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vagina, stinky, pussy, masturbation, sex, feminism, femininity, self love,

Loving My Stinky Pussy: Gaining Confidence Through My Vagina

Happy May! Did you know May is International Masturbation month?!

Well me and my pussy sure do! We usually use this time to speak to each other, go on dates, and of course have some intimate, sensual fun. Now this post isn’t about me, myself and my vagina. But spending time with my vajayjay has taken me down memory lane and reminded me of some sexual experiences that have been demeaning but ultimately empowering.

The First Time a Boy Ate My Vag

I remember being 15: it was late at night outside my house behind the shed near the trees, leaves, and wild cat shit. The boy was an on again off again friends with benefits and he pulled down my leggings and spread apart my tightly shut legs and went to town. I remember being very happy…not necessarily because it was good but because it was an exciting and new experience.

Except he never did it again. We’d mess around and I was too shy to ask for it so I’d wait for him to volunteer and he never did. Fifteen turned into 17 and still nothing. So finally I asked.

“You just have a strong scent ,” he said.

I was mortified. I never bought it up again.

Years passed and with every sexual partner my oral-phobia grew. Legs were sealed tighter than Alcatraz as I batted away suitor after suitor from putting his head anywhere near my vagina in fear that he’d run off due to the “strong smell.”

Over the years I was taught the glorious expression of “if you’re eating a cheeseburger don’t expect it to smell like strawberries” and that really helped. I allowed willing participants entrance into my McDonald’s but never made it a requirement.

The Double Standard

I find this funny because while I was being taught to shut my legs and hate my smell, and to be grateful of whomever was gnawing at my kitty kat, I was also being taught that it was a requirement to suck and swallow.

Girls had to be waxed clean but guys can have the hairiest bushes of all.

“Folder pussy” was disgusting and shameful but dicks came in all shapes and sizes.

My pum pum juice has to taste like pineapple but sour penis milk is “normal.”

This juxtaposition is to highlight the double standard when it comes to loving our special places. Maybe we help set the standard. The world has always placed shame on a woman’s vagina. From the use of the word alone: vagina. I feel dirty just saying it and that’s because it was never normalized. We’re taught to never speak of it never look at it and God forbid we touch it. So it can take a women years to love the part of her that makes her the most unique.

This is detrimental for many reasons. How am I supposed to know what I like if I can never explore myself? Then once I know what I like I feel wrong expressing that to the other person. And of course there’s all the jokes made to make us more ashamed. The panty challenge, the “jokes” about tight vs loose pussy, the use of blue liquid to describe the period.

The world is designed to make us ashamed of our vaginas! And by making us ashamed of our vagina, it’s making us ashamed of our womanhood.

I say down with the patriarchy and up with the Pussys!

Let’s make big vagina energy a thing. I’m loving my smelly pussy for all that it is and it will no longer be a requirement to eat this vag before penetration, but you also better sniff my panties too.


What’s your vagina story? Comment in the space below!


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